Street market vendors-Nairobi, Kenya
In 2015, a Rotary team of mountain climbers from Colorado invited Chef John to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro (19,300 feet) in January 2016 to support AfricAid, a leadership program for Tanzanian women.
Following up a prior request from Sister Agnes, Chef John proposed to visit her in Kakamega, Kenya and observe possible program site(s) for future Diabetes Free training for the nuns at her Convent. In 2016, Chef John traveled to Nairobi, Kenya. He did not get to meet with Sister Agnes, as this was not an ideal time for her to meet. She did say a water well is needed for the school in Kakamega, Kenya. Before Diabetes Free training is offered in Kenya, Sister Agnes needs funding for a tube well for the St. Joseph school in Kakamega. Evergreen Rotary funded a prior water well for The Plaster House. In Tanzania, Chef John met Marie, Executive Director of AfricAid (US), and visited two boarding schools that teach career skills to girls, who left home to go to school instead of being 13 year-old brides. After team training we began a six day plus 17 hour climb/decent. AfricAid KISA graduates and mentors joined ten Americans with SENE guides, cooks and porters. Curt Harris, a Colorado Rotarian and prior Kilimanjaro climber, led the 2016 team. Stella Maris Lodge - Moshi, Tanzania
Kilimanjaro National Park Blue Monkey Rain Forest on Mt. Kilimanjaro
SENE Expedition guides Manasis & fellow guide
View of summit from camp at 15,000 ft. elevation Sunset from above the clouds looking west
1 Love - 1 World Diabetes Education Programs
Step OneInspiring mothers in churches, schools and clinics to take responsibility for family health to prevent diabetes.
Step TwoHands-on training in food and lifestyle choices to help prevent, control, reverse Type 2 diabetes.
Step Three
Offering training in local foods-specifically which to choose and which to avoid- in order to prevent diabetes complications.